Nick ran over to kiwi and started to hit her with the stinking pickle. Now this pickle was not just a pickle it was a purple dill pickle. "My eyes my eyes" screamed nick on the top of his lungs. "Ha do you surrender yet?" asked kiwi. "Never" says nick.
Kiwi got more pickles out of the pickle jar and started to trow them at nick. "Hey that's no fair" said nick in a smooth voice. "I don't care" said kiwi as she laughed at him.
Nick had a idea... he went inside to get grapes? "Why and the heck did you get grapes" ask kiwi in a confused way. "I felt like it so i got them" said nick.
Well after 2 hours of pickle fights nick and kiwi were in so much trouble. "Oh crap" said kiwi. "We are so dead" nick said in a worried voice. When nicks dad got home and saw all the pickles his look mad but he picked up 2 pickles and throw one at nick and the other at kiwi saying" Pick up these damn pickles or you will get it you two!"
"God he is so mad" said kiwi as she was picking up pickles. "I know he his" said nick quietly.
The day after the pickle fight both kiwi and nick were sitting in the backyard talking about how much fun they had. "Yesterday was so fun" says kiwi in a happy tone. "I wish we could do that again" said nick really happy. The two took a walk to the beach for a swim.
When the got to the beach they saw something. It was i flipping pickle! "OMG it is a pickle on the beach?" asked nick. "Stupid pickle get out of here.. you are the one who got us in trouble" said kiwi in a mad voice.
All of a sudden the big juicy pickle was walking away. "Well that's not something you see everyday" said nick in a confused voice as he smiled.
The two of them went swimming in the water for a bit talking about stuff. Yeah stuff. After they were done swimming they went for a walk along the beach. As they were walking they saw more pickles and more and more. "Where are all these pickles coming from" asked kiwi..
All of a sudden they saw nicks dad walking in front of them with a flipping pickle jar full of dill pickles. "Hey those are the same pickles we used yesterday for are pickle fight" says nick in surprise. Nicks dad was still putting pickles all over the beach and saying to himself "the kids are never going to know it is me and the pickles here"! Nick was liked " hm mm that's my dad for you".
It was the end of the night when nick and kiwi thought that they should go sleep in the tent for the night so they can talk about how much they like.....? They were sitting in the tent for a bit talking about what they like and then they hear ed a noise. Kiwi looked out the little window in the tent and saw a shadow of a pickle?? "Why is there a stupid pickle in front of the tent" asked nick. "Who knows" said kiwi.
The two of them went to sleep and all they dreamed about was the stupid pickle in front of the tent.
TO BE CONTINUED............
After a while the pickle was gone and when i say gone i mean gone but it had a plan..
No one knows what that plan is but you would like to watch out for your own safety. So beware i mean it run away when you see a purple dill pickle because it is after you,nick,and kiwi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!